Network Status Updates

Updates from the Support team at Etheric

BS61/BS64 outage.

BS61 – McMahon Rd / BS64 – Hidden Valley HOA are down.
06/23/2024 7:00 AM

BS61 And BS64 Outage

Base Station 61 McMahon Rd and Base Station 64 Hidden Valley HOA Outage

06/22/2024 07:08AM

Scheduled Maintenance

Contacting Support

Etheric Support is available 24/7 by phone at 650-980-4014 or by filling out this form.

Your IP Address

Troubleshooting Checklist

Lost Connection

  • Locate your POE (Power Over Ethernet) device and confirm it has power.
  • Locate your router and confirm it has power.
  • Make sure all Ethernet cables are securely connected as shown:
    • Outside cable to POE port.
    • POE LAN port to Router LAN  port.
  • If the problem persists, reboot the router (disconnect from the power source for 30 seconds, then reconnect)
  • If still no connection – please fill out a ticket below or give us a call – a technician will be happy to assist you.

modem diagram

Slow Connection

modem diagram

  • Check equipment connectivity.
  • Run a speed test and note results.
  • Contact us for further testing.

For real-time updates follow @EthericNetworks on Twitter.

Support Ticket